Trip to Met museum was fun because it was my first time visiting at museum in my life. I had a chance to see many incredible works of art, out of them I chose these two particular works of art for my assignment. These sculpture are from the different era and places.
Gaston Lachaise(1882-1935) Standing Women, 1915. Cast 1930. I think this sculpture is representational and realistic because the artist tries to carve statue realistically. Her body texture is made out of from metal(bronze)According to the label, Lachaise was woking in Paris in 1903 when he met muse Isabel Dutaud Nagle ( standing lady). Who he later married in 1917. this shows that the artist was really into this work of art later on he fell in love with her. This reminds me the story of Pygmalion's sculpture, where he fell in love with the sculpture that he made it with his own hand and married later with the ivory statue. According to the label, this sculpture created a powerful archetype of womanhood, in other words standing woman represent as a fertility goddess. Her body's shape is in an organic shape.

Comparing and contrasting these two work of art. they have both have may similarities and differences. Both of these work of art is from different eras and The Standing lady(1915) is made out from metal and the statue of a kouros(580 B.C) is made out from marble. There are gender differents too male and female. The standing lady is a woman and the statue of kouros is a man. Even though, they are from different generation both of them are lies in representational work of art. The both sculptures have an actual texture although, they both made from different materials. The reason I chose these 3D work of art because of the time period differentiate therefore, I thought it would be easier to compare and contrast. And also these work of art shows that people been creating a sculpture to represent what they believe in and it also shows the artists were very creative.
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