Artist: Unknown
Date: 21st century
Medium: metal, plastic, threading
What makes an object have value? An object has value due to ones perspective and view upon the object itself. The object that I have chosen is a sewing machine. Why a sewing machine is because for centuries the sewing machine has been used in different ways to create fabrics, patterns, and apparel. It is the main source of designing, creativity, it is also the next levels for artists. It brings classic cultures all over the world into a union. As well as for the personal recognition, my mother has always sewn. Whether it has been her own clothes, my clothes, and or just designing dresses. She has inspired me as well as a young child to be a designer. I was purely fascinated by such a device in what one person can accomplish with it. It symbolizes, independence, creativity, and hard work; that inspires me to do more for myself, to work for myself because I believe that everyone should be in charge for themselves. Through history in may have been seen otherwise by hardworking seamstresses. The symbol of the sewing machine holds an intense history behind it. Why this should be considered to be an a museum is because there are so many sewing machines in the world, rustic and not so rustic. For this particular machine it holds the legacy of all machines. It holds the beginning and end of a whole sub culture of designers as well as the expansion of technology. If in the future, it would be the start of the machine. It would later on evolve and expand to other different forms of the device itself. In all the sewing machine is historic, it portrays strength, beauty to come, and hard labor.
Gisela- this is a fantastic object to write about- it actually is very connected to the readings. However, part of the assignment was to also relate your ideas to the essays we read in class. How does Dana's or Parmuk's ideas support your own?