What is the topic/cause/idea?
The topic I choose is racism, i choose it because it affects me, people of african ancestry, and people of minorities.
Why did you pick this? What do you want people to know about it?
i picked this beacuse, Here, in the united states, the minorities are the ones recieving the short end of the stick, and the same can be appiled internationally. This doesnt mean that Caucasian people arent also discriminated against. BlackLivesMatter, is a current movement, in todays society, about over the treatment, attacks, and the lack of justice for african americans. Rascism is one of the worst things about our species and it needs to end before it can destroy us.
What woud make a good monument/artwork to communicate your ideas on that cause/idea?
I was thinking a scultpure of two pairs of siblings (a boy and girl) one pair from african descent and another pair of caucasian descent. They would be holding hands. Its to represent the next generation/humanity in the future, this is how we should allow them to be/it to be.
What would it look like? What would it be made of?
They would appear to be the same age, male and female, respectively. they would be in 21st century clothing. they would be made of marble, warm & cool colors.
Where would it be?
i would like it to be at time square because that it is like the center of NYC, and even in washington DC, near the white house.
who is it for? Who do you want to see it?
it is for everyone in the United States to see. Also for Humanity, i believe that everyone should see no matter what age. Racism is so ugly, and disgusting.
I love this idea and really get a sense of what it would look like. I would love to see you make your proposal drawing of it in front of the White House- that would be powerful since so many people go there and take pictures.