Who Am I? Well thats a secret that only the few who takes the time to figure it out can really know. I decided after many other fails of choice, to take a picture of what i hold closely to my heart. The books are my obsession with Young Adult novels and the princess cup shows how much i love Princess Tiana but also that's my coffee cup I never drink coffee around the house without it. (Im also obsessed with coffee). The pooch on top is my baby, my snowball, my teddy bear , ect. His name is Terrie and he is a maltese, he was meant to be the "Family" dog but he is my dog. I stole his love and now he is mine.Behind him is a photography wall within my room, i have some of my favorite pictures from the past year up on the wall.These pictures once stood in my old High school art gallery. In the right hand side sits a small framed picture of me and one of my best friends that ive known since grade school at prom.
I chose the medium as photography since that is my only artistic field that that i dont suck at. And clearly i am loving it. Over the years ive been jumping around through different interests and my family sees it as inconsistency but in reality im just looking for what and where do I fit in. By combining these five objects im showing the peices of my life that represents who i am.
This is terrific Karilis- you carefully chose/arranged objects that are all an important part of your complex self. It would have also been great to hear how this representation that you have made relates to some of the ideas we talked about in class- regarding stereotypes and how images can challenge them.