Draft Worksheet for Final Paper
What is the topic/cause/idea?
My topic will be about how some people believe that they aren't creative but they can be if they try.
Why did you pick this? What do you want people to know about it?
Being creative is difficult that is it why I picked this topic because I can personally relate. I want people to know that even though being creative is a challenge, non creative people can also think of something better than what we except.
What would make a good monument/artwork to communicate your ideas on that cause/idea?
A good monument to communicate my idea would be a big banner that says "You're Creative Whether You Like It Or NOT!"
What would it look like? What would it be made of? Be specific - size, materials/medium, etc.
It would be a big banner that will fill up the board with unique writing. It will be written in anyway with any color.
Where would it be?
It would be in front of an art classroom so that everyone is able to see it.
Who is it for? Who do you want to see it?
This is for people who don't think they're creative with art, so that they are able to get a little inspiration by a person who knows how they feel about being non creative.
I'm glad you picked this- Do you see it as a poster? Maye the poster can show a human body being frustrated at having to be creative? That could connect with the viewer more than just words alone.