The topic I have chosen for this project is the sexualization of women in advertisements. I chose this because as a woman living in NYC or America in general, everywhere you look there is an advertisement for something. Buy this peanut butter, buy these underwear, buy this iPad. And within those most of the time there is some sort of underlying sexualization. Like this commercial for Bavaria Beer ( or the commercial for Carl's Jr. and Hardee's commercial ( or even this commercial for dog food with the women in her underwear and bra ( Why is it that the media feels that the way to get the attention of their customers is to have half naked women that have nothing to do with the product? The answer, is that sex sells. We teach our children that it's okay for women to be seen in this way and not as themselves. Let's try to change the perception on our women. I had the thought to make stickers and a series of stills made into a video to try to inform people on this issue. The stickers would have a sexualized picture of a woman with piece of food or clothing and some sort of slogan like, What if this was your mother?, obviously subject to change but that would be a start. The videos would be made up of pictures and interviews by women speaking on their own experiences and their opinions on the topic. The stickers would be posted all over Times Square and down 34th street since these are some of the biggest centers in NYC. The videos would be spread across social media such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, YouTube, tumblr, etc. I want everyone to see it and realize that this is not acceptable.
Great topic and a great way to think about getting the information out there- social media/sticker campaign is perfect for this.