Believe it or not colleagues, in my eyes this is art. If you guys here me out and look into my point of view of why this is a form of art, you'll at least understand my well thought out point of view and maybe even agree. This tree has recently been in my sight. It is just around my neighborhood and a number of them has grown since the beginning of Spring 2015. It is not just to tree that makes it art. It is the symbolization and the purpose for the number of trees being grown. The botanist's critical thinking in planting them must've also had an element of artistic feeling in that person's instinct. The botanist/artist must've made it to make a positive impact towards the community, and to express its passion for nature. It is just like what an artist needs to become great at it's work, passion and expression. The tree's form is not as eccentric as others. It is not perfect. There are two branches from a dead tree holding thin branch so it would not collapse. It may look physically weak, but artistically it is not. The symbolism behind the growth and process of this tree, it is just as important as an oak that you would find in the suburbs. A regular spectator just passing through the neighborhood maybe just see a tree. Myself, if someone was to see it in my point of view, growing tree is a sign of hope and positivity. Especially for the simple observation of not seeing much nature at an urban location. Even the little things around our sight, may have more significance than something that is obvious. Sometimes, there is art and beauty in front of your face and you would not even notice.
It's so great that you are so tuned into your environment Neil, that you can notice and appreciate the tree. From what I can tell you are commenting on the creative act of someone planting the tree- and what effect that has. But the tree itself is not a human made artwork- even though it can be appreciated in similar ways as an artwork. How would this fit into "what artists do" and the "purpose" of art as we went over it in class?