Always strolling down the same path to get to school and never completely focusing on a small detail that can give a meaning. Waiting for the red light, I noticed students have left their garbage in a corner. What is beginning to pile up are the coffee containers and wrappers of snacks. Before I would just look at this scenery of just plain trash but after several lessons in art philosophy and art history I came to conclusion you can give something a deeper meaning. This captured moment shows a glimpse of college life. A grab and and go daily lifestyle we become accustomed to. College students highly caffeinated and making poor food choices that some can relate to gaining a few pounds. I first I thought the twigs and leaves coming out the concrete was out of place but then I gave it some thought and came into conclusion that this plant symbolizes after all those difficult days studying and completing assignments to pass each semester will pay off and have the student develop into a highly educated individual. I decided to title this photo "The constraint of a generation". The pressure to accomplish in college from exams,presentations, and research papers to later on determining what beholds in the future. Who knows how it'll be in the future if it'll become easier to pass by college and job opportunities will increase or will there be a higher rate of competition because everyone will get the same resources. From the Starbucks cup on a stand to the plant coming out the concrete are the dominating pieces to the background being just a daze.
Your example of found art and writing about its possible meanings is terrific! Very convincing! I wish you had written a little bit about the visual elements that you see here- shapes, texture etc.