Monday, September 14, 2015

Post #1

Sorry all, I did not find anything interesting on my way home however, I found this piece of work on google without the artists name but when I saw this piece it automatically gave me a sense of hope.  I would like to think that this piece is a 3D painting.  I say 3D because I feel as though  I am standing right there under the Brooklyn Bridge. I believe there is a mixture of color and size that catches the viewers eyes. There are dark blue clouds passing through the sky, fading away and then the bright orange and yellow colors representing the sun. Now the further the picture goes the brighter it becomes which is why I mentioned hope because looking from the bottom of the picture and placing yourself there, ahead is a journey or where you're standing is a struggle but as you look further out or cross that bridge you will see a brighter future, the end of your struggle. Base on what we have discussed in class, this is a piece that was painted to create a place for a human purpose. Like an escape route of some sort, either for the artist or the viewer. Thank you all for reading my outlook on this piece of art. I would like to hear what you all have to say about this picture or even if we agree. This assignment  has been fun and I look forward to more. Goodnight

1 comment:

  1. Domonique-I appreciate you posting something even though I think you MUST see some kind of artwork in your day to day NYC life! It's hard to tell if this is a painting or a digital photo, and although it shows dimension, we wouldn't really classify it as a 3D object- we'll talk more about that in class tomorrow. You just start to get into some interesting ideas when you say that the image gives you a feeling of hope- what did we talk about in the "need for art" that is specifically related to that? You are almost there with your ideas but you just stopped short of fully articulating them (also blog posts are a minimum of 250 words).
