I was excited to get the assignment of finding accidental art because this is something i already do. I like to look at the world as this place full of just beautiful things. This is a picture I took in the bathroom at my job. I've titled it, Zeus. The reason for this title I think is self explanatory but I'll give you my insight anyway. I should first start off with why I find this picture so beautiful. I LOVE color values. The lighter the value the better, to me that is. I love playing and experimenting with light. Objectively, this is a picture of a bathroom ceiling, with a lightbulb and a pipe the sprinkler system and the obvious signs of aging over the years that the building has been through. Subjectively, to me, the cracks on the ceiling resemble that of the aftermath of a lightening bolt strike with the lightbulb being the lightening bolt (hence the title Zeus). To me this is what art really is. I don’t really consider paint splatters and random shapes with random colors, art. But that’s just my opinion. True art should make you feel something. It should be the embodiment of aesthetic emotion and that is what I feel when I look at this photo. I see pain and power. I also see hierarchy with the pipe separating the light and dark of the photo. In the words of Emily Zola, A work of art is a corner of nature seen through a temperament.
You spotted (and made) a great example of accidental art- and wrote about the most dominant element here (light). (you could have also included shape and space when writing about this image). Also, great title and explanation of the meaning behind the artwork.