Monday, September 21, 2015

Childish Behavior in the park

I love searching for accidental art. It can happen in under a second, you just have to be quick enough to catch it. I took this picture at a toddler's 3rd birthday party.These are her cousins and other family members, they were snatching up all the candy that fell from the pinata. There was alot of screaming and shouting.I even saw some adults helping out with their candy picking.  I was really glad with the way this picture turned out the bubbles from the bubble machine was released at the right time. The little ones played hopscotch, raced around the park for prizes and later ate cake when the sun settled down the river.I got to see family who i have not seen since 2 Halloweens ago when the family had a dress up party in the Bronx. But on this day it was hot and humid with the whole park filled with multiple parties, I guess it was the day for the celebration. I thought opposite I am not a fan of the hot, though I sticked to the shade for coolness even so that it rained earlier so you would have believed it would have felt cooler. This side of my family I don't see  usually , so at first i was timid to them but after a few laughs they were family for sure, the kind who loved to party and have a good time even if the times are rough. So there that's a look to my some part of my family.

1 comment:

  1. a lovely picture- especially at the moment of the bubble which would make it more in line with the accidental part of this assignment. I enjoyed reading your reasons behind this choice but what about the visual elements could you have written? color, shape, light etc...
