Monday, September 14, 2015

Even though I was raised in Brooklyn, like many people in this melting pot of a city, my family is from another country. Being the Jamerican that I am (Jamaican/american), I LOVE Jamaican food. During my pre-pescatarian days, my favorite dish was curried goat with macaroni pie and steamed cabbage. Major comfort dish. Now, I've learned how to make amazing gourmet mac and cheese many different ways. Most versions including some type of a green veggie and all containing roasted garlic. Cooking is one of the ways in which I keep creative.

Besides cooking, I thoroughly enjoy singing which I've been doing, seemingly, forever, playing cello which I've done since the age of 9 and yoga which is a more recent favorite past time of mine. One thing that I'm quite passionate about is the arts in general. All forms whether that be visual or performing. I valued freedom and expression and the beauty of art about all else.


  1. Hi Khalilah! How fantastic to learn these things about you! You do so much creative stuff- and cook mean mac & cheese...Whaat!
    I'm so impressed!

  2. Thanks! Keeping busy and eating well on a tight budget is everything!
