Tuesday, December 1, 2015


The topic I have chosen for this project is the sexualization of women in advertisements. I chose this because as a woman living in NYC or America in general, everywhere you look there is an advertisement for something. Buy this peanut butter, buy these underwear, buy this iPad. And within those most of the time there is some sort of underlying sexualization. Like this commercial for Bavaria Beer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMCtpOwBdlY). or the commercial for Carl's Jr. and Hardee's commercial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1krJqn3smbI) or even this commercial for dog food with the women in her underwear and bra (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oitYLuiNEpw). Why is it that the media feels that the way to get the attention of their customers is to have half naked women that have nothing to do with the product? The answer, is that sex sells. We teach our children that it's okay for women to be seen in this way and not as themselves. Let's try to change the perception on our women.

          Putting an end to sexualization of women in the media is important to me because objectifying these woman make it seem that that’s all woman are good for. It allows men and women to see other woman as these pieces of meat. It puts the idea into the heads of people that as a woman you should be sexy and if you aren’t you aren't considered a “real woman”. I chose this because I try to make it my goal to never let a women feel let down due to the way that she dresses or carries herself. Theres no reason to ever make yourself feel uncomfortable showing your body off when all you want to do is wear sweats and Netflix & Chill.
What I want to do to show this idea off is make memes and post them on social media and put them on stickers too. The stickers would be posted all over the most visited parts of the city like Times Square, Columbus circle, Downtown Brooklyn, 34th Street, Union Square, etc. They would there be so many stickers that people will be bound to start talking about it and sharing it. Both the stickers and the memes would have one picture of a woman doing something weird with food. Then there will be the word “YUM” somewhere in the picture. I choose the word YUM because I want people to be uncomfortable thinking of women as food.YUM can also stand for You U Movement. Meaning that you should be accepted as you come. No need to be sexual to be a woman.  

           I really hope people will learn to think about how to embrace the woman without making her feel like she has to be half naked to do it. And I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with woman being naked and expressing their sexuality, but there comes a limit when sexuality is used to define “Woman”.

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