Monday, November 23, 2015

Student Loans

My topic is about The inevitable Student Loans. We all go through it one way or another its like i said inevitable. I picked the topic because we as students think about so much about our futures and what we are investing our debt into. We all will have debt unless we get a scholarship and that's if your lucky. We as students don't even go to college anymore to learn and experience the world better. Its all about how we are going to pay for in the end. Its so sad that you can easily search up online and see the daily struggles of a college graduate yet the world keeps moving o as if debt isnt a issue. This kind of dept is not our own faults, this debt was not caused by money greed, gambling, and spending. This debt comes from the necessity to learn. The average college graduate will not be able to save enough for retirement till they are 75. As if a human being is so functional at that age. "According to a study by researchers at the University of Missouri, employers were just as likely to hire graduates of expensive for-profit institutions as those with similar credentials from community colleges — or those who skipped college altogether." In this world of the Great America the pricier and more flashy named school the better, people trash community college refering them as cheap and not good enough. Which is not true this is a stepping stone, something you can use to reach for higher grounds. Not everyone has money for flashy named schools.

A good idea that i have for an artwork is to place a stone boulder with chains attached to a statue of a  average human height graduate with the cap and gown in a crowded street downtown. The statue will represent those trying to move on in a faced passed world that we live in yet they are being held back by student loan debt. 



1 comment:

  1. Great idea for a sculpture! and it would communicate a lot of your feelings. WHere woud it be? who do you want to see it? maybe it should be on college campuses too!
